Ordinary Seaman, Able Seaman, Motorman, Electrician, 4th Engineer For VLCC Vessel

SEAMAN JOBS Hiring looking for an exceptional individual on VLCC vessel deployment January 2019 onliy for Filipino seaman crew.
SEAMAN JOB INFO - Tsm Shipping (Phils), Inc. Available hiring looking for an exceptional individual on VLCC vessel deployment January 2019.

Job Position:
- 4t Engineer 1x
- Electrician (ETO) 1x
- Able Seaman 1x
- Ordinary Seaman 3x
- Motorman 1x

Office address:
1753 TSM Building, (3rd Flr.), Dian Street, Barangay Palanan, Makati City. Interested applicants may also send their resume to tsmrecruitment@tsmphil.com.ph Tel. Nos. (02) 860 75 29 /860 75 59.
SEAMAN JOBS Hiring looking for an exceptional individual on VLCC vessel deployment January 2019 onliy for Filipino seaman crew.
Source rewrite: https://web.facebook.com/groups/oplan.applyan/permalink/2317865701790635/

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